Grouting is the placement of a sealing material such as neat cement or bentonite into the annular space between a well casing and the borehole created during well construction. Grouting is an effective and necessary measure for the protection of public health and ground water quality.
The purpose of grouting can be either to strengthen a formation or to reduce water flow through it. It is also used to correct faults in concrete and masonry structures.
When one looks at the grouting process and why it’s used, it’s important to understand proper grouting is vital to ensure safe drinking water. It also helps prevent the migration of water between aquifers should you work in an area where there are multiple aquifers to choose from and where there is a significant difference in water quality between aquifers.
I’ve often made the analogy grouting is like getting stitches after surgery. After the doctor cuts into the skin and does what he needs to do, he sews you back up to prevent infection from getting into your body—and so it is with grouting of water wells.
One can drill the straightest hole, put in the best casing to the proper depth, use a good screen and gravel pack, and so forth—but if you do not have a good grout job, you really have nothing in a well. Given the fact most wells are a once-in-a-lifetime expense for a customer, it’s vital to use the best grout and the best grouting techniques available.